
August 30, 2012

Reading Nook for a Toddler

One thing I've learned about my daughter is that she loves to climb under all types of tables and chairs.  I wanted to give her a place of her own and crafted a little reading nook in our living room for her.

The ingredients for this little DIY project are simple.
1 child-sized folding table (I found this one at Walgreens for $15)
1 plastic table cloth (I found this at Target on clearance for $2 last year)
1 spool of ribbon

This is a great nap time project since having your toddler trying to grab your scissors is really annoying (I learned the hard way). Spread your tablecloth over the folding table and cut a triangle out for the doorway. Then gather the sides towards one of the front table legs, cut a slit in the tablecloth behind the leg, and slip a length of ribbon through it. Tie a knot and a bow to hold back the extra tablecloth. Do this again on the other front leg. For the back legs I simply gathered all the extra material until the sides were smooth, cut slits on both sides of the table legs, wove the ribbon through, and knotted and tied it to keep the tablecoth in place.

If you want to get creative, you can cut out a fancy 4-pane window on the side; however due to my toddler's desire to pull on things, I opted just for a rectangular window that she could peek out.

The last thing to do is to lay a blanket or old pillow inside along with your child's favorite books. Hannah spent about 30 minutes just going in and out and looking at me through her window. When she's tired of it and big enough to use the table for drawing, I'll remove the cover, but for now, it's her own little reading nook.

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