friend asked me to make a baby quilt for her expectant college roommate. We talked a little about size and colors, and I brought in a variety of fabrics from my stash for her to sift through and pick out some favorites. And that was it.

Left to choose the design and work out the details myself, I kept coming back to the
Sparkle Punch Quilt-Along that one of my favorite quilt bloggers, Oh Fransson!, had started up not long before this quilt assignment came to me. I'd admired the nestled wonky stars when the design previously appeared in
this pillow cover, and when the quilt-along started I put it on my Quilts To-Make list for 2012 (yes, such a list does exist -- don't laugh). So the wonky stars aligned and I decided to make a Sparkle Punch/wonky star baby quilt, with Oh Fransson's quilt-along as a rough guide.
I used Kona Maize from my fabric stash and selected a variety of pink and green prints for the stars. The binding is a mix of green print strips that I had a from a knockoff jelly roll that matched perfectly.

The back is a floral print from Hobby Lobby, with a stripe of Kona Bone at the bottom. I chose to quilt this in diagonal straight lines going in only one direction; the spacing is varied, with no rhyme or reason. Also, this is the first quilt that got one of my tags that Jen gave me for my birthday -- I was so excited to stitch that on at the end!
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